Friday, February 15, 2013

Using Viewpoints for Requirements Elicitation Interviews

Leite and Gilvaz performed an interesting experiment in using the concept of viewpoints to improve an interview assistant.  This was long ago, but it is a very nice idea.

The abstract says:

 “Requirements elicitation in the context of organizational information systems is a very hard task, being very dependent on the experience and cleverness of the team performing the elicitation. In such a context the use of interviews is common and seen as the major technique for obtaining the requirements from the actors in the organization. We have been working with the idea of a general interview assistant and our first results are promising. We elaborate on our original proposal in order to augment its assistant capability without losing its simplicity. We show how the use of viewpoint analysis improves the inference capability of our assistant.”

More details, see the paper: Requirements elicitation driven by interviews: the use of viewpoints

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